Ok, so I have this sister, right?
She's like the best person I know. She is organized, always has something interesting going on, she did all this incredible stuff in her short life (she's weeks from turning 30), I don't know, she's just amazing.
So this sister of mine lives in France, and she's married to this great guy, and they have a happy, nice and neat life together.
She also has this great blog too, if you ever want to read it you just find Fned's blog and there you go!
Ok, so the reason I'm writing is... am, well, I kinda started thinking about her like the last few days or so, ever since I heard this song my mom has on her cellphone...
Well, my little brother was playing it over and over again, and one night, my mom and I where laying in a couple of hamocks back in merida, and S was playing it and playing it again.
The song is kinda neat actually, it talks about tw o very different (in a nice way) sisters. And how no one chooses where they come from.
I think my mom and me ended up singing the whole thing.
So, ok, this story is getting confusing (I think this has to do with the fact that mom and I have been watching a lot of felicity or crapticity, like my S calls it), I'll get back on it.
So anyway, since then, I've been home for a week or so, and I've had time to read my sister's blog, find out about her life, check how she's doing, well, I kinda read the whole thing, and I found myself loughing at her jokes, crying when she told the hard parts of the new adventure she'd had, feeling proud of her, and prouder still...
So ok, this blog actually goes to my sister, she's one cool person, I have to admit.
I love you sis... say hi to your hubby from me :)